Books that are banned of challenged has never been something I really thought of, but I saw something one day about Banned Book Week. So I started researching some book that have been challenged or banned by schools or libraries. Honestly I didn't know libraries challenged books, I did know that schools would remove books that they deemed inappropriate.
The House Of Night series by P.C Cast and Kristen Cast
This book was challenged at the Austin Memorial Library in Cleveland, Texas in 2014. It was one of many books that were challenged that had a vampire theme. A local minister asked that the “occultic (sic) and demonic room be shut down, and these books be purged from the shelves, and that public funds would no longer be used to purchase such material, or at least require parents to check them out for their children.”

If I Ran A Zoo by Dr. Seuss
This book was challenged but retained at the Vancouver, Canada, Public Library in 2014. There is a line in the book that states that the helpers who “all wear their eyes at a slant,” They also felt that the illustrations were stereotypical are racial stereotypes of Asians. The library no longer reads the book at story time. They also no longer promote it other than as a resource material in a study that shows how the portrayal of other cultures has changed over time.
Diary Of Anne Frank by Anne Frank
Apparently this book was banned (didn't see where) because it was too depressing and at one point there was a brief mention of genitalia. It was challenged by Wise County, Virginia in 1982 and also in Alabama State Book Committee in 1983.
Carrie by Stephen King
This novel was challenged by Clark High School library in Las Vegas, Nevada in 1975. It has been considered by some to be trash especially for young girls. In 1978 at Union High School library, Vergennes, Vermont it was placed on a special closed shelf.
The Crucible by Arthur Miller
Challenged by Cumberland Valley High School, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania in
1982. It is thought to be dangerous because it contained "sick words from the mouths of demon-possessed people."
1982. It is thought to be dangerous because it contained "sick words from the mouths of demon-possessed people."
Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silversteiin
It is considered by some to undermine parental, religion and school authority. It was taken off of shelves for review by MinotNorth Dakota, public school libraries in 1986. It was challenged by Xenia, Ohio school libraries in 1983.
I understand that some books might offend people due to certain content, however as a reader I think it is wrong. I could understand if the book was about to worship the devil or something, but most banned books have nothing like that in them. If a book offends you, don't read. Simple as that. I don't think its wrong to censer what your kids read, that is your right as a parent and I plan to do the same when I have children. However once people reach a certain age they should be able to read what they want. How else can you discover some of the great gems that some books are. Sure they may have some racy content, but they are great books nonetheless.
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